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If you want to know more about how SSI and Open Badges can help your organization move forward.
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Frequently asked questions

The four we always get asked...

What is self-sovereign identity?

SSI puts the identity holder back in control of their data. Unlike current systems, where an email service provider may act as your identity provider, storing all your data in their databases and sharing with 3rd parties, a self-sovereign identity is held by you, on your device, be it a mobile phone, computer, or smart card.

What is Lifelong Learning?

Lifelong learning at its core focuses on the encouragement of, and access to, personal development opportunities for individuals, to provide an ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for all individuals, everywhere.

What are open badges?

Open badges are an interoperable standardised, verifiable source of certification, or skills based qualification, that can allow badge holders an easy means of sharing their skills and training with interested 3rd parties.

How can I get involved?

The NGDIL are always looking to hear from individuals, organisations, businesses, and institutions enthusiastic about the future of education. To get involved, send us a message via our contact page, so we can help provide you with the information you require.